Kind Words For When You Are Losing Your Shit
Some kind words for when you lost your shit at—or in front of—your kids and you’re in a shame spiral and you feel bad about yourself…
You are good in there. Really good. Heart of gold style good.
You may have done something bad, but you aren’t bad.
Put your hand on your heart. Really, go ahead, do it. Take a beat to feel your heartbeat.
You were once a little one and someone held you and listened to your heartbeat.
That’s still you in there.
You are still good.
It’s okay to fuck up.
Everyone messes up sometimes.
No one is perfect.
Nothing is perfect.
Perfection is an illusion.
You are human. Humans make mistakes.
In fact, it’s incredibly important to model messing up for your kids.
Now, if you haven’t already, you get to show them how to do a solid repair.
One that is humble and earnest and kind and connected.
It’s good for them to see that their parents aren’t perfect either.
That way they get to have less shame when they mess up.
That way they can learn to be kinder to themselves in the moments when they don’t get it right either.
Do you know how lonely they would feel if they thought they were the only ones who couldn’t get it right all the time?
So give yourself a break.
There are probably good reasons for your freak out.
Likely you’re not getting some (or any) of your needs met. This can lead to very crispy parenting.
I would wage a guess that you’re under stress of some kind in addition to parenting.
Simply existing in this modern world is stressful.
These aren’t excuses for losing it, but it makes sense that the conditions would be ripe for a mama meltdown.
Love yourself through it. Don’t just try to love yourself through it, actually love yourself through it.
You are enough.
You are worthy.
You are rocking it - primal rage, toddler-style mom meltdowns and all.
It’s all part of it.
Now, take a breath, and let that shit go.
As quickly as that explosion crept up on you, you can let the bad feelings about it go.
Like a fart in the wind.
Going, going, gone.
Besides, you don’t have time to get all caught up in feeling bad about yourself.
You’re superpowers are desperately needed. And you know it.